Communication Science Study Program FISIP UNS Successfully Followed the International Accreditation Assessment from AQAS

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Symbolic handover of mementos from AQAS to university representatives

Surakarta (04/07/2023) - Communication Science Study Program FISIP UNS successfully participated in a series of assessments as part of the international accreditation of study programs from AQAS. Together with the Sociology Study Program, two study programs under the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University participated in a field assessment which took place from 3 to 6 July 2023 in the Sebelas Maret University environment.

AQAS is an independent institution for quality assurance of study programs based in Germany. Through this international accreditation, it is expected that the Communication Science and Sociology Study Program at the undergraduate level will be able to become a study program that is able to compete not only at the national level but also at the international level.

On the second day of the field assessment, 4 experts consisting of (1) Mr. Prof. Dr. Martin Löffelholz from Technische Universität Ilmenau; (2) Ms. Prof. Dr. Biray Kolluoğlu from Boğaziçi University; (3) Mr. Eddy Prastyo from Suara Surabaya Media, and (4) Mr. Max Philipp Jansen from Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main carried out the assessment by conducting interviews with university management, faculty, study programs to lecturers as educators in the Communication Science Study Program.

Faculty and study program management who became representatives in the interview session

In the second day of the assessment session, representing the university management were Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S., as Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs along with Prof. Irwan Trinugroho, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. as Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, Business and Information. Also present as faculty management, Dean of FISIP UNS Prof. Dr. Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, M.Si. along with the deputy dean of FISIP UNS including the Head of Communication Studies Program, Sri Hastjarjo, S.Sos., Ph.D., and several lecturers in the Communication Studies Program who were representatives.

In addition to conducting interviews, during the 4-day assessment, experts from AQAS are also scheduled to directly review various learning support facilities both at the faculty and university levels, including: medical centers, houses of worship, libraries and other supporting facilities.

Through this AQAS, the Communication Science Study Program Manager hopes to be able to raise the reputation of the Communication Science Study Program FISIP UNS in producing Bachelor of Communication Science graduates who are able to compete in the global arena in accordance with the development of science and technology. (Pram)

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