Ready for Internationalization, Communication Science Study Program Exhibits the Work of Lecturers and Students to AQAS Experts

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The atmosphere of the exhibition room for lecturers and students

Surakarta (05/07/2023) - Communication Science Study Program FISIP UNS is undergoing a field visitation in the framework of international accreditation assessment from AQAS. For approximately 4 days since Monday (03/07/2023) various series of activities in the framework of field assessment have been carried out by involving university leaders, faculties, study programs and even alumni and users as stakeholders.

Entering the third day of assessment, Wednesday (05/07/2012) the experts conducted interviews with students and alumni to explore the development of the curriculum in accordance with industry needs. In addition to interviews, experts consisting of (1) Mr. Prof. Dr. Martin Löffelholz from Technische Universität Ilmenau; (2) Ms. Prof. Dr. Biray Kolluoğlu from Boğaziçi University; (3) Mr. Eddy Prastyo from Suara Surabaya Media, and (4) Mr. Max Philipp Jansen from Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main are also scheduled to see the work of lecturers and students in accordance with the specialization in the UNS Communication Science Study Program.

The atmosphere of the exhibition room for lecturers and students

Starting from scientific journals, proceedings publications, textbooks, journalistic products, audio videos, and many more works of lecturers and students have been displayed in such a way in the FISIP UNS Seminar Room. Through the various works displayed, it is hoped that it will strengthen the assessment of experts towards international accreditation of study programs.

In addition to the work of lecturers and students, in the same room also displayed various supporting documents from faculty management. This is a form of FISIP UNS commitment in encouraging study programs towards internationalization through AQAS. In the future, both the Communication Science Study Program and FISIP UNS will maintain and improve the quality in producing graduates in the field of communication science who are adaptive in accordance with industrial developments, science and technology that are globally oriented. (Pram)