Collaborative!!! RG FISIP UNS Collaborates with UMPO to Organize a Workshop on Scientific Writing Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

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Ponorogo (11/06/2024) - The phenomenon of the development of Artificial Intelligence has changed many aspects of human life, including in the academic world. This technology, known as artificial intelligence, is able to facilitate various academic activities such as language transfer, reviewing various existing research results to bot-based conversation services in producing various messages known as ChatGPT.

ChatGPT has the potential to ignore various scientific ethics and rules in writing a paper. Therefore, the Research Group Media, Audiences and Socio-Cultural Systems FISIP UNS in collaboration with the Communication Science Study Program FISIP Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University collaborated to hold a community service entitled "Building Scientific Awareness: Artificial Intelligence in the Ethics of Writing Work among Communication Science Students at Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University" which was held on Tuesday (11/06) at the Hall of Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University.

The activity, which was attended by around 80 participants consisting of 6th semester students, was also a provision for student preparation in entering the final project writing phase in the form of a thesis. The Chairperson of RG UNS, Prahastiwi Utari in her speech said "The use of AI among students today is inevitable, what must be considered is the ethics of writing that must still be considered". Academic ethics are important in maintaining the credibility of the results of a study, she added.

Presenting two speakers, the workshop participants were invited to re-understand the rules and academic manners in writing a paper. The first speaker, Likha Sari Anggreni, invited all participants to re-understand the unwritten scientific rules and ethics in writing works. Furthermore, Likha also described the potential violation of academic ethics and rules if the use of AI is not based on a clear understanding. "Let's make our work original by intelligently using various existing AI tools to make it much easier," Likha said in her presentation.

In addition to Likha, the second resource person in this afternoon workshop was Oki Cahyo Nugroho, who is a lecturer at the Communication Science Study Program of FISIP UMPO. Unlike the previous speaker, Oki invited the participants to see various AI products that can help facilitate scientific writing. In his presentation, Oki explained to the participants how to read and interpret various supporting data in writing scientific papers.

Acting as moderator, Haris Annisari Indah opened the opportunity for participants to ask questions and discuss further with the speakers. On this occasion, the enthusiasm of the participants was seen in giving questions in exploring the material from the speakers. In response to this, RG UNS also provided prizes in the form of a number of e-wallet balances for participants who enthusiastically asked questions and gave responses to the speakers.

After all the core sessions of the event passed, the workshop activities were ceremonially closed by UMPO. Representing UMPO, Eli Purwati, who is the Vice Dean of FISIP UMPO, expressed the hope that good cooperation with the UNS may be continued in various other collaborations in the hope of being able to provide experience and motivation for students in achieving the best achievements. (Pram)