1st semester

1st semester

No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Islamic Religious Education 05023112003 2
2 Pancasila 05023112009 2
3 Fundamentals of Logic 05023132018 2
4 Bahasa Indonesia 05023112010 2
5 English for Social Sciences 05023132014 2
6 Introduction to Political Science 05023133017 3
7 Introduction to Communication Science 005023143019 3
8 Introduction to Sociology 05023133015 3
9 Introduction to Psychology 05023142020 2

Course Description

No. Course Content Uraian
1 Islamic religion -
2 Pancasila -
3 Fundamentals of Logic

This course discusses the role of logic as an object of study and the importance of logic, various elements in argumentation, as well as various schools of logic, such as deductive logic, iductive, symbolic, and lateral logic with an emphasis on scientific and workplace logic and daily attitudes.

4 Bahasa Indonesia

This Introduction to Journalism course focuses on the basics of Indonesian language composition such as the definition of language, language functions, language, language ethics, 4 language skills, quotations, citation reviews, bibliography, scientific papers, plagiarism.

5 English for Social Sciences

This course equips students with knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation as well as basic English skills which include listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the context of everyday life both formal and informal. Students will do more exercises, practices, and simulations (role play) to show their understanding of the linguistic concepts that have been learned.

6 Introduction to Political Science

This course is a staple course at FISIP UNS that must be studied by students in the first semester. This course provides an overview of politics, politics as a science, the main concepts of political science, the scope of political science and the relationship between political science and other sciences. In addition, it also learns about political ideologies, various forms of government and international relations.

7 Introduction to Communication Science

Students are able to explain and give examples of fundamental issues in the study of communication science which include the definition of communication, levels of communication, characteristics of communication and so on.

8 Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Sociology is a basic theoretical course aimed at providing students with the ability to understand and explain the history of the development of sociology, the main topics of sociology, socialization, social interaction, social order and social control, social institutions, social stratification, intergroup relations, conformity and deviance, collective behavior and social movements, social change, sociological theory, and sociological methods. This course also briefly and simply introduces the body of sociological knowledge mapped through four periods, namely Classical Sociological Theory, Modern Sociological Theory, Critical Theory, and Post Modern Theory and their figures. The output of this course aims to equip students with basic social knowledge to study and analyze social problems with theories and methods of sociologists.

8 Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Sociology is a basic theoretical course aimed at providing students with the ability to understand and explain the history of the development of sociology, the main topics of sociology, socialization, social interaction, social order and social control, social institutions, social stratification, intergroup relations, conformity and deviance, collective behavior and social movements, social change, sociological theory, and sociological methods. This course also briefly and simply introduces the body of sociological knowledge mapped through four periods, namely Classical Sociological Theory, Modern Sociological Theory, Critical Theory, and Post Modern Theory and their figures. The output of this course aims to equip students with basic social knowledge to study and analyze social problems with Sociology theories and methods.

9 Introduction to Psychology

This course equips students to describe and explain the scope, flow, methods, psychological symptoms, and personality of psychology and be able to apply them.

2nd semester

2nd semester

No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Philosophy of Science 022405 2
2 Indonesia's Socio-Cultural System 22373 3
3 Entrepreneurship 22110 2
4 Indonesian Legal System 22372 3
5 Mass Communication 22436 3
6 Civic Education 22107 2
7 Indonesian Political System 22374 3

Course Description

No. Course Content Uraian
1 Philosophy of Science

This course studies a number of things related to the study of philosophy of science, namely related to science, knowledge, science, philosophy, philosophy of science, dimensions of philosophy / philosophy of science, philosophy as a source of science, truth, sources of truth, tools for finding truth, scientific truth, schools in the philosophy of science.

2 Indonesia's Socio-Cultural System

This course defines concepts related to Indonesia's socio-cultural system. It also examines the pluralistic structure of Indonesian society, party structure, and national integration using a theoretical approach.

3 Entrepreneurship

What is in a name? Entrepreneurship Rationales?

  1. The era of globalization forces business actors to have competitiveness and bargaining power, in order to become an Iduka player at the local, national and international levels.

  2. Many argue that business skills are strongly influenced by instinct and talent. However, this is not the case; business skills can be learned, practiced, and mentored.

  3. Entrepreneurship (local, national, international) is one of the frames for framing theory and practical experience in business activities, which from an early age must be taught, trained, and given practical experience to the younger generation / successors including students.

  4. Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) is called to equip its students with Entrepreneurship skills to its students, Lecturers, Education Personnel, Alumni. Therefore, UNS created the Entrepreneurship course as a compulsory course that must be taken by all students in order to gain knowledge, understanding, application and ability to analyze current Entrepreneurship opportunities and challenges.

4 Indonesian Legal System

Students are able to explain the legal system in Indonesia

5 Mass Communication

This Mass Communication course studies a number of things related to the study of mass communication including the definition of mass communication, elements / elements of mass communication, characteristics of mass communication, mass communication ethics, mass communication convergence, mass communication theory.

6 Civic Education

This course is a general compulsory course which is education to provide an understanding of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Unity in Diversity and its implementation in shaping students into citizens who have a sense of nationality and love for the country. This study is based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 84/E/KPT/2020 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Mandatory Courses in the Higher Education Curriculum.

7 Indonesian Political System

This course leads students to fundamentally understand the condition of Indonesian politics, its history, failures and successes as well as its usefulness in practical daily life. In addition, it also equips students with the ethical dimensions of Indonesian politics so that they can guide their political behavior in a mature and responsible manner.

3rd semester

3rd semester

No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Photography 23308 3
2 Social Research Methods 23231 3
3 Introduction to Journalism 23307 3
4 Sociology of Communication 23334 3
5 Communication Psychology 23431 3
6 Communication Technology 23364 3
7 Communication Theory 23402 3

Course Description

No. Course Content Uraian
1 Photography

This course teaches camera usage techniques and good image composition as well as post-shooting image processing.

2 Social Research Methods

Students are taught various types of research, scientific research steps starting from determining topics, identifying problems, compiling theories (literature review), determining the focus of the problem, determining variables, design and methods, sampling techniques and data collection, analysis and conclusion drawing. Learning activities include lectures with various approaches and methods that involve students as learning centers, such as discussions, and tutorials.

3 Introduction to Journalism

This Introduction to Journalism course focuses on studying the basics of journalism which include the definition of journalism, journalistic history, news, facts, news values, news ethics. Students will also be given an introduction to straight news and feature news writing techniques.

4 Sociology of Communication

This course aims to provide an understanding of the studies and theories of sociology of communication from various perspectives. In this course students are also invited to find out how important issues exist in the sociology of communication, especially those related to the substance of people's interactions in society, including communication carried out directly or by using communication media and all the consequences that occur from all communication.

5 Communication Psychology

Students are able to understand and apply theories about communication law and ethics in the scope of the press, cyber media, broadcast media, advertising, public relations and interpersonal communication and can use the theories and concepts learned to analyze actual cases related to communication law and ethics in Indonesia.

6 Communication Technology

Students are taught the history of the development of communication technology, the characteristics of communication technology, the revolution of communication technology from script to social media, the impact of communication technology on society and globally.

7 Communication Theory

This course outlines the teaching of communication theory in the context of intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational, public (rhetorical), media (mass), and culture). The lecture material will be delivered through 14 meetings, and 2 exams (UTS and UAS) to measure the competence of students regarding what they have understood about communication theory throughout the lecture period.

4th semester

4th semester

No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Social Communication and Development 24434 3
2 Social Statistics 24332 3
3 Political Communication 24437 3
4 Communication Law and Ethics 24306 3
5 Intercultural Communication 24433 3
6 Cyber Media 24301 3
7 Communication Planning 24487 3

Course Description

No. Course Content Uraian
1 Social Communication and Development

This course will provide knowledge related to the assumptions of several theories, concepts, and models relevant to development and modernization. It aims to encourage students to think critically about development efforts that have been running in Indonesia and learn to develop alternative development models that can be considered in order to achieve optimal national development.

2 Social Statistics

This course discusses the basis of statistics, the functions and uses of statistics in social research and can distinguish between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, as well as practice data processing using the SPSS program on a computer and apply it in social research.

3 Political Communication

This course leads students to fundamentally understand the phenomenon of communication in the field of politics and also political issues that are communicated to the public. In addition, this course equips students with the ethical dimension in political communication conceptually and practically in conveying aspirations, criticizing political policies, delivering political policies, and designing political messages so as to guide their behavior in a mature and responsible manner.

4 Communication Law and Ethics

Students are able to understand and apply theories about communication law and ethics in the scope of the press, cyber media, broadcast media, advertising, public relations and interpersonal communication and can use the theories and concepts learned to analyze actual cases related to communication law and ethics in Indonesia.

5 Intercultural Communication

An understanding of cultural communication as an element in intercultural communication will also be provided in this course. Students will be equipped with knowledge related to cultural elements in a culture. This aims to foster a sense of pride in the diversity of national culture. Then, through the basic knowledge that has been owned, students will be invited to explore forms of communication in cultures in Indonesia. The study materials used in this case are reference books, journals and research articles, articles in the mass media, and content in new media. This is an ability that students are expected to have by the mid-term of the course.

6 Cyber Media

Students are able to master new media, not only in the use and utilization but also in controlling new media as a communication tool.

7 Communication Planning

Students are able to understand thoroughly about the stages of communication planning, which include: Determination of communicators, Preparation of message content, Selection of channels / media, Determination of communicators, and Evaluation of message effects; nature and form of planning, components and indicators of communication strategies, strategic management in communication planning.

5th semester

5th semester

No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Quantitative Communication Research Methods 25363 3
2 Public Relations 1 25407 4
3 Mass Media Management 25301 3
4 Advertising 1 25404 4
5 Journalism 1 25401 4
6 Radio 1 25402 4
7 Organizational Communication 25335 3
8 Video 1 25403 3

Course Description

No. Course Content Uraian
1 Quantitative Communication Research Methods

This course discusses the concepts and steps as well as the research process in the field of communication with various lectures on quantitative methods and approaches and is able to make proposals and be able to conduct research in the field of communication such as Survey Methods, Experimental Methods, Content Analysis Methods, Agenda Setting Research, Uses and Gratifications Research, Media Ecology Research, and Communication Network Analysis.

2 Public Relations 1

This course learns from the basic concepts of Public Relations, applies PR writing, compiles company profiles and analyzes PR cases that are trending topics.

3 Mass Media Management

In this course students will get material covering the basic concepts of Mass Media Management, the principles of mass media management and their implementation in the management of mass media both print media, broadcast media and online media.

4 Advertising 1

Students are taught an introduction to advertising, starting from the definition of the concept of advertising and advertising, history, types, objectives, and functions of advertising, advertising ethics, organizational structure of advertising agencies, creative concepts of advertising, advertising in mass media, media planning, advertising research.

5 Journalism 1

This course provides insight and experience for students in understanding indepth news and investigative news related to definition, character, function, technical writing and production.

6 Radio 1

This course leads students to understand the various skills that must be possessed by radio broadcast practitioners, both as a lecture program director, script writer, announcer/reporter, mixing-man, producer, and music director.

7 Organizational Communication

Discusses key concepts in organizational communication so that students can understand its specific context, compared to other levels of communication. By understanding these key concepts, students are expected to be able to use them for theoretical and practical purposes in a more contextual and comprehensive manner....

8 Video 1

This course will bring students to master the basic skills of Video including basic knowledge of cameras, image language, and being able to develop into the needs of the journalistic world and the needs of Digital Audio Visual media.

6th semester

6th semester

No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Video 2 26414 4
2 Presentation Technique 2P484 2
3 Media and Gender 2P491 2
4 Journalism 2 26412 4
5 Interpersonal Communication 26302 3
6 Public Relations 2 26467 4
7 Radio 2 26413 4
8 Qualitative Communication Research Methods 26362 3
9 Capita Selekta Komunikasi 26362 3
10 Advertising 2 26362 3

Course Description

No. Course Content Uraian
1 Video 2

Students are able to find ideas, develop story ideas, create production concepts needed, produce fiction films, and edit fiction films.

2 Presentation Technique

In this Presentation Techniques course, students are taught the communication process, the pre-post process of making presentations, how to create a communicative presentation design, and techniques for presenting in front of the public.

3 Media and Gender

This course guides students to recognize gender issues in the media and analyze gender representation in mass media...

4 Journalism 2

This Journalism 2 course focuses on studying the production of journalistic works in the form of newspapers, magazines and cyber / online portals. The production of newspaper journalistic works contains various rubrics from news, event photos, editorials, readers' letters, opinions and others. The production of magazine journalistic works contains various rubrics such as main reports, editorials, readers' letters, opinions and others. Desk magazines are diverse such as sports magazines, men, women, culture, science and technology, economics and others. The production of online/cyber media journalistic works in the form of online news portals with rubrications such as straight news, feature news, photos of events, figures and others.

5 Interpersonal Communication

After attending this lecture, students will be able to understand and apply concepts, constructs in theory at the level of interpersonal communication, starting from the concept of communication actors, cognition and information processing, self-understanding, identity, building relationships, maintaining relationships and maintaining relationships.

6 Public Relations 2

In this Public Relations 2 course, students are taught to understand and practice PR strategies and tactics in resolving crisis situations faced by clients. The PR strategy that students will learn starts from how to conduct audience and media research to analyze and evaluate the situation faced by the client, determine goals and targets, as well as media selection and message preparation. All of these strategic steps are actually applied to a company/agency so that students will also be guided in preparing proposals and reports on the implementation of PR strategies.

7 Radio 2

This course discusses the scope of radio journalism, broadcast production skills (radio news), scripts (copy stories) of radio journalism programs, digital radio recording techniques, radio programming, research in audio production work and program planning, research methods and types of research that support the improvement of creative audio production, audience research instruments as concept tests on audio project drafts, and audio project concept test research.

8 Qualitative Communication Research Methods

In this Qualitative Communication Research Methods course, students are taught to understand as well as practice the theory given through the preparation of qualitative research proposals. In addition to learning about the variety of qualitative research and methods, students will also be guided to prepare proposals in accordance with the systematic system.

9 Capita Selekta

This Communication Capita Selekta course is organized to open students' insights into research topics in the field of Communication Science. In addition, this course also aims to equip students with knowledge and practical skills in conducting research projects.

8 Advertising 2

This course discusses the Integrated Marketing Communication Plan that combines the ability to make creative and media planning with the ability to implement creative and media to create an IMC Plan that suits the client's needs. In this course, students are also required to conduct creative and media research as the basis for preparing the IMC Plan.

7th semester

7th semester

No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Business Communication 2P492 2
2 Principles of Management 2P285 2
3 Creative Writing 2P287 2
4 Real Work Lecture 2

Course Description

No. Course Content Uraian
1 Business Communication

This course discusses communication to support business processes. Starting from the basic concepts of business communication, script writing for business communication, to business presentations.

2 Principles of Management

This course discusses management concepts applied in an organization.

8th semester


No. Course Name Code SKS
1 Communication Work Study 2
2 Thesis 6